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Reconnect2Work is Here

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Our First Childcare Impact Project is Now Live

In partnership with the Spokane Workforce Council, Reconnect2Work is our region's first-ever workforce development-focused childcare impact project. Whether you're a parent wanting to return to the workforce, an early childhood learning/childcare center looking to grow your team, or a community job seeker with a passion to help develop a child's skills and talents, Reconnect2Work will guide you to achieve your unique goals.

Reconnect2Work on Fox28

Our Childcare Navigator, Amanda Zahara, and Spokane Workforce Council's Childcare Program Coordinator, Bianka DeSure, introduced Reconnect2Work to the community on a Fox28 Spokane Workforce Wednesday segment.

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Childcare Impact Project FAQs

When will funds be available?

Funding that supports a parent wanting to return to the workforce is now available. Visit the official Reconnect2Work website to get started.

Who will be eligible for funding?

For the Reconnect2Work childcare impact project, we are targeting families who are ineligible for Washington Working Connections Child Care (WCCC), and for whom lack of childcare is a barrier to them accessing the workforce.

We will support people who are accessing workforce services (education and/or training) with childcare as needed for them to pursue their program and enter employment.

We will also be supporting people who are currently working, who may be underemployed or need to work more hours.

How can I apply for assistance?

Complete Reconnect2Work's pre-screening form found on the Families webpage of their official website.

What resources exist now for childcare?

To learn more about Washington Working Connections Childcare, and apply to see if you are eligible, please visit

To find care in Washington, check out to find a center near you.

What kind of support will you be providing to childcare providers?

We anticipate providing support for hiring and retaining employees, filling the talent pipeline, identifying career pathways in childcare and early childhood education, and helping people who would like to become licensed in Friends, Family, and Neighbor (FFN) care, in order to support providers and increase/stabilize the number of available childcare openings.

If your agency would like to receive business-to-business assistance, please contact our partners at Talent Solutions by WorkSource Spokane here.

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Spokane Workforce Council's Official Announcement of Childcare ARPA Funding

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